Delight of My Heart
Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.
Jeremiah 15:16 (ESV)
When I am down, when I am grieving, when I am in distress, O Lord, I turn to you and

find your words. I meditate on them and I eat them. I speak them and pray them out loud, and they are a balm to my soul.
In the midst of despair, O Lord, I trust in you. I cry out to you and there you are with me! You speak softly to me, your words of comfort, and I hear you. You take my hand and lead me out of darkness into your light of hope. For you, O Lord, have rescued me, and you call me by my name.
When I am happy, when I am celebrating, when I have joy, O Lord, I do not forget you. I find your words and eat them and meditate on them. I pray them out loud in thanksgiving and praise, and they are the celebration of my soul!
When I am in awe, when I praise, when I worship, I feel your presence most keenly. Your love washes over me, touching me, filling me with the knowledge that you are right there with me. I am not alone. I find your words and sing them and pray them out loud to you as I surrender my will to yours. For you, O Lord, are always with me, leading me, loving me, and keeping me safe. You are forever my Lord and savior, and I will joyfully lift my heart to you. As I eat your faithful words, they are the salvation of my soul!
Wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, I understand that I am loved and wanted for all time. I find your lifegiving words of love and affirmation, and I eat them. I speak and pray them out loud, over my life, my body, my soul, and they are healing to my life wounds—the joy and delight of my heart!
Dear Heavenly Father, may I always see and look to you as the comfort and balm to my grieving soul. May I always call upon you and trust you to rescue me in times of trial and despair. And, Father, may I always remember to praise you in times of celebration, as I lift my heart to you and treasure you as the delight of my heart and salvation of my soul!
May His words become the joy and delight of your heart!
Love always,
Mindy 💗