Mindy Cantrell
Sharing a little hope and a lot of grace

Hi! Welcome to my little drop of passion, fun, and holy ground - I am so glad you’re here! If you’re a hugger, imagine my arms wrapped about your shoulders in a nice, welcome hug. If you’re not a hugger, know that I am looking deeply into your eyes, as I greet you warmly with all my heart.
Let's chat! 😊
I’m Mindy. Happy. Goofy. Emotional. Love to talk. Love to listen. A “fixer” by nature, I’m drawn to the wounded, lonely, outcast, insecure person, place, or thing. As well as the vibrant, social, giddy, party person, place, or thing. I love to be social, and I just plain love people! And I love lovin’ on people. That’s what God has called me to do. Why? Well, read on…
I grew up in the outskirts of Cleveland, Ohio, the second of five kids, to parents who loved us a lot. Unfortunately, due to my dad’s emotional war wounds, their marriage dissolved when I was seven, and until age sixteen, my dad was a non-regular part of my life.
Mom was determined to feed, clothe, and shelter us, working hard and attending school to earn her nursing degree. However, at times, we had little besides each other. She loved me very much, yet I floundered. I rebelled, missing the emotional connection a young, sensitive girl needs from both parents. I fell prey to dishonorable intentions of those around me.
I found acceptance with the wrong crowd at school and began a spiral of drugs and drinking to mask the hurt in my heart. At sixteen, ran away from home, spending the summer living on the streets between Ohio and California. Though I did not know him yet, God was with me, and that summer changed my life forever.
That summer, I laid down my drugs and spiraling behavior. Though I wandered through many more years of emotionally hurtful behavior, I began to develop a relationship with God. At eighteen, God granted and instilled in me the incredible gift of faith, (read My Faith Story here) which has carried me through dark days. At thirty, I checked into RAPHA, an in-patient treatment facility, and diagnosed with emotional exhaustion, bulimia with anorexic tendencies, OCD, and repressed memory nightmares. Oh, but never you fear, because there, I also met Jesus! And oh, how he so tenderly, lovingly, beautifully held me, comforted me, and healed me.
So, you see, I love Jesus with a love so full, so real, so powerful, it envelops and guides my every move. And Jesus’s love for me wraps my heart with a love so powerful for my fellow brothers and sisters here on earth, I am compelled to reach out to them. And simply love them as Jesus loves me.
My passion has become ministering to hurting women. Women who can’t seem to get past old memories, wounds, hurts, lies, swelled up in their hearts, holding them back. Jesus didn’t want me to live that way, and he doesn’t want you to live that way either.
Oh, how I long to show you and lead you through the beautiful, life-giving, healing and freedom from that pain. It’s time to pull all that stuff out, and say good-bye to it, once and for all, and live the life you were meant to live. So, what do you say, are you ready?